Healthy Living

10 Facts Women Themselves Don’t Know About Their Bodies

If you haven’t just been born, you already know that an age-old debate continues, splitting up the people on this planet in almost two equal halves, and that is of which gender is better than the other. While men constantly try to assert themselves as the stronger and the smarter sex, deep down they cannot deny that the fairer and the more enigmatic sex is no less powerful.

1. A Woman’s Tongue Has More Sweet Receptors

Ever wondered why you like chocolate more than your boyfriend? That’s because you have more sweet receptors than men do. In fact, women also have a better overall sense of taste than men do, and are more sensitive to different flavors.

2. A Woman Burns Fat Slowly

Okay, this is one area where men have the edge over us. Our bodies are not good at burning fat. On an average, a woman burns fat at the rate of 50 calories per day.

3. A Woman Blinks Twice As Much As A Man

Since women have higher levels of estrogen in their body, they tend to blink twice as much as men . And that’s good too as it keeps our eyes lubricated and gives them that lovely twinkle.

4. A Woman Cries More

Yes, yes this is something we’re famous for so it’s not exactly earth-shattering, but we bet the numbers will surprise you! On an average, a woman sobs 30-64 times each year, while men do the same, only 6-17 times .

5. Women Can Identify Colors And Smell Better

Another area where women trump men is in the sense of smell and color. A woman’s olfactory sense is much stronger and so is her optical sense. Yes, coral is not pink boys!

6. A Woman’s Hair Is Thinner

If you take a man’s strand of hair and woman’s, you’ll see that on an average a woman’s strand is two times lesser in diameter than a man’s.

7. A Woman Has A Better Immune System

If research is anything to go by, then the presence of the X chromosome in a woman’s DNA is responsible for her better immune system .That’s why you don’t catch a cold so often!

8. A Woman Can Listen From Both Sides Of Her Brain

Studies have shown that men only use one side of their brain to listen, while women use both sides .That’s why we’re better listeners, and our partners don’t listen to half the things we say.

9. A Woman Has A More Flexible Neck

And we need that to carry out our elaborate make-up sessions! But that’s not all. Not only do we have flexible necks, but also we’re more bendy and flexible than men.

10. A Woman’s Skin Is More Sensitive

A woman’s skin softer and more pleasing to touch than a man’s and it’s more sensitive too! No wonder, most of us squeal when someone tries to tickle us.

It’s amazing isn’t it how different the female and male bodies actually are, and how little we know of these differences? In the end, the good and the bad combined, a woman’s body is truly special in its own ways.

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