Healthy Living


5 warning signs you have an unhealthy gut

1. Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

The brain and the lining of your intestines are filled with nerves that contain similar tissue. These nerves communicate with your brain. Your intestines release the same feel-good neurotransmitters that make you feel good. When your gut bacteria are in balance, you also feel mentally balanced too.

2. You Get Sick a Lot

You catch every sniffle that goes around the office, but all the vitamin C in the world may not help. Gut Health Project has explained that more than three-quarters of your immune system is found in your gastrointestinal tract.

The balance of bacteria in your gut is a healthy microbiome that produces healthy mucus that traps unwanted viruses, toxins, and bacteria and helps remove them from the body.

The healthy mucus also allows your body to absorb the right minerals and vitamins to help support your immunity.

If your gut is harmful, unhealthy, thick mucus can limit your body’s ability to use nutrients and vitamins properly, leading to what may seem like the constant sickness.

3. Skin Problems

If you have eczema, rosacea, persistent acne, dandruff or flaky, itchy skin, even the most intensive skin care routine may not fix your problem. Believe it or not, your skin problems may be coming from your unhealthy gut.

Skin experts explain how gut health affects inflammation throughout the body, which in turn affects the skin, referring to a gut-brain-skin axis.

4. Stubborn Weight

If you have an unhealthy gut, you may have trouble losing weight no matter what you do.

The good news is that when people who are overweight lose weight, their gut becomes more balanced.

The bad news is that overweight people have a different balance of intestinal bacteria than people who are at a healthy weight.

5. Autoimmune Disease

Many studies link the gut health to autoimmune disease.

On the other hand, experts aren’t sure exactly what causes autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. But, they do know that autoimmune diseases occur when your immune system attacks its own healthy cells.

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