Healthy Living

AMAZING! Place Ice On This Spot Twice A Day And This Will Happen To Your Body!

Chinese therapy to relieve all your pains

We often do not bother about every day pains that are too teeny-weeny to see a doctor. That’s where we go wrong. We will not even realize when these pains may grow to become lifelong troubles. But here’s a good news. To keep them at bay, you do not need to visit a doctor. Here we bring you a no-cost, simple and effective Chinese therapy to deal with all such kinds of problems.According to Chinese medicine, the spot on your neck right below your skull (the hole-like point where your neck and head merge) is called as ‘Feng Fu’ or ‘wind shelter’. Feng Fu is associated to the treatment of many health issues and is, hence, popular among therapists of all kinds. Here we explain how you can use an ice cube to perform Chinese therapy on the Feng Fu. This has multiple benefits, which are enumerated below.

​How to do this therapy:

 All you need for this therapy is an ice cube and a scarf/zip lock. To do this, lie down on your stomach and put an ice cube on the Feng Fu point for 20 minutes. You can use a scarf to hold the ice cube in place, allowing you to sit and walk around. You can also put the ice in a zip lock and put it around your neck so that the water doesn’t spill. You may feel icy cold as soon as you put the ice pack, but within 30-40 seconds, you will feel the temperature go up. If you regularly put an ice cube on this place, your body will feel rejuvenated, it will prevent illnesses and you will be healthier and energetic. For better results, do this twice a day, once in the morning, empty stomach and once before you go to bed. Now let’s count the benefit of doing this therapy.

​Decreases headache

Nearly everyone deals with occasional headaches. This Chinese therapy has also proven to relieve headaches and helps in preventing them to occur frequently.

​Helps control PMS

Though there are plenty of medications that are aimed at easing symptoms of PMS but nothing can be cheaper and easier than this ‘ice cube’ therapy. Feng Fu is said to have a direct connection with a woman’s menstrual cycle and that is the reason it can help with PMS.

​Reduces thyroid problem

Though thyroid does require medical attention but trying the Feng Fu therapy along with medication can help you fight the disease faster and recover sooner. With so many people suffering from thyroid and thyroid being the host to so many other problems, it would be better that you try natural medication to control this disease.

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